Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Shameless Plug...Give a little to get a little.

I think I have accumulated a little audience...evil laugh....

This will be the only time I ask for anything. If you can help, please add a comment below with your contact info. If you know people who are popular and have a lot of friends who like happy hour, send them to me. I sent this email out to some people today but this should help spread the word as well...

"Note: I wrote this draft last Monday to send later. I was laid off from my job on Tuesday. I was going to cancel but people have been so good to me this week that I want to do something to give back. So game on...Let me know how you will help.

Dear Friends,

After a long hiatus from fundraising and asking you for things I have found another charity that I'd like to get your help raising some money for. Watching the news is depressing so please join me in doing something warm and fuzzy for not a lot of $$ or effort and also having an excuse to all get together soon.

The charity is called Row for Hope (www.rowforhope.com). 25 year old Paul Ridley is ROWING SOLO ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN to raise money for the Yale Cancer Research Center. Paul and his sister Joy lost their mother to skin cancer in 2001. And this is their way of honoring her while helping people at the same time.

I am looking for a host committee for a happy hour to be held in downtown DC on Feb 19th from 5-8 at Clydes in Gallery Place. Clyde's has given us most of the use of one of the bars.

All you need to do: Donate $25 (or more) and get at least 5 (10 would be better) people to show up and donate $25 (or more).
Or if you dont want to do that, just bring yourself (and your $25 (or more)) to the event.

You are receiving this email cause thru work or school or soccer you belong to a network where it should be pretty easy to rally people to a happy hour.

Please let me know soon. Shouldnt be too hard. Either say:
YES, I will get my coworkers/neighbors/friends/alumni to attend and join the committee
YES, I will be there but wont be able to commit to get people there - just send me the date

Click on the link and read the story...Then pick one option above.

Carmella "

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