I love the guy in the background of this picture.
That's how I feel every time I read the news.
If only he had stood up Three Stooges Style and bonked their 3 heads together and said "Stop acting like like 3 little kids fighting over one toy and meet halfway you overpaid, botoxed, spray tanned, empty suited morons."
Overpaid applies to all 3. I mean if Congress is going industry by industry saying people make too much I don't understand why they get to make an all expenses paid $200k a year and the President gets to make $400k a year plus room and board and one hell of an expense account. Personally I don't agree with any of the Washington meddling in private pay but well we are at it, how about we look at Congress?
Boehner is so orange that he is probably the entire source of the government's tax revenue from the new tax on tanning and Pelosi can't even blink she has had so much botox. Empty suit applies to, well, you know who.
For the record this was from a meeting about tax cuts. As always Obama is keeping up with his class warfare and wants the "tax cuts for the rich" to expire. What he keeps ignoring is that most small businesses pay taxes under this provision, meaning your local deli, 1 person law offices, hair salon down the street etc...and THEY will have to pay higher taxes if it expires too. In a recession raising taxes on small business doesn't seem to make much sense. Apparently Obama didn't take accounting 101 classes at Harvard. But since all politicians, even President Fuzzy Puppies and Rainbows, are all self serving idiots, they cant find a middle ground like maybe changing the code to tax only individuals instead of business. No, that would make FAR TOO MUCH SENSE AND BE TOO EASY.
I'm not disappointed in Obama because I don't agree with him. Fundamentally I never will. I'm disappointed in him because he was supposed to make Washington better. And part of that is compromise and he has shown zero inclination to back down. The President likes to put all the blame on the Republicans, and its aggravating that so many people buy this from him - they are supposed to disagree - Democrats did it too when they were the minority party. But when the disagreements are so fundamental its the President's job to rise above and be the leader and force them to find compromise to make some progress. He ultimately signs or vetos the bills so he can use Presidential clout to push for something that at least gets something done, if not everything he wants. And he hasn't done that. As far as I am concerned he hasn't stopped campaigning and prefers to get his progressive way by grandstanding in front of the media every time instead of actually being a strong leader.
By the way, he also broke another campaign promise:
I think my I TOLD YOU SO moment is here...
Ok, this was an infrequent political rant post. I'm allowed.